(808) 874-2591

“Respect is love in plain clothes.”

                                                                          -  Frankie Byrne

              (Ireland's first and Radio Éireann's own Agony Aunt, 1922 – 1993)


This is a quote that The ROAR Show School Assembly Program has collected. ROAR is an acronym for Respect Others and Act Responsibly.  Each quote deals with the topics of respect, responsibility, self-esteem, character building, manners, proper behavior, friendship and/or anti-bullying. We've enjoyed collecting these quotes and hope you enjoy reading them as well. We are happy to share them with you here. If you have any submissions on these topics please send them to us. Thank you, Al The Respect Guy

I had two quick things to pick up at the grocery store. There was only one gentleman in line before me. He only had five items. When it came time to pay for his purchase, he swiped his credit card and it was declined. The clerk suggested that he try to swipe his card a second time. Again it didn’t work. He swore he had plenty of credit. The customer then tried to call his card company to find out what was wrong. The clerk was very patient, but by this time there were three more costumers who got in line behind me. After not being able to reach the credit card company quickly the customer used another credit card to complete his purchase. What should have taken me a few minutes to run into the store, make my purchase and leave, now seemed like an eternity. What happened next surprised me and impressed me beyond measure. As the gentleman pick up his bag of groceries he turned to all of us behind him and apologized for the delay and any inconvenience he may have caused us! Was he being respectful by apologizing or just using common courtesy? He is what I call a true gentleman. He really brought home the message of The ROAR Show, which is Respect Others and Act Responsibly.

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