(808) 874-2591

Respect Others Act Responsibly

The ROAR Show an educational educational assembly for children

The ROAR Show is the Respect &  Kindness Assembly Program that fosters positive self-esteem and character building in your elementary students

The ROAR Show "Respect Others Act Responsibly" Helps You Meet Your Schools Bullying Prevention Educational Requirements with this In Demand, Fun & Exciting, Educational, Enrichment School Assembly Program that also helps Character Building, Positive Self-Esteem and Integrates Your Learning Behavior Expectations.

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Al the Respect Guy in The ROAR Show Hawaii

The ROAR Show is the School Respect Assembly Program...

Designed for grades 1 & 2 and grades 3-5, The ROAR Show Kindness Assembly Program uses storytelling, audience participation and a bit of magic to engage students with age appropriate lessons of inclusion, acceptance, kindness, responsibility, respect, safety, bully prevention and accountability for their actions. Elementary schools book The ROAR Show and utilize its lessons and activity worksheets to help remind students of their school-wide learning behavior expectations to allow for a positive school environment.

Audience Participation to Help Your Students Remember the Lessons!

Al “the Respect Guy” Ulman has developed a program where your students absorb life-changing information about inclusion, diversity, accepting differences, and being kind and nice. This helps your children build character, leadership skills and self-esteem. Al "the Respect Guy" presents age-appropriate examples in an upbeat and fun way, enabling your students to put into action these positive behavioral patterns in their everyday activities. Personal examples of being respectful of others, property and the environment, and being responsible for one's actions, are visually illustrated throughout The ROAR Show. This allows students the opportunity to see how their behavior affects others and often leads to preventing bullying.
The ROAR Show Audience Participation
The ROAR Show at White Eagle Elementary School

The ROAR Show Integrates Well with Behavior Initiatives You are Already Using in Your School

Like most educators, you are looking for effective lessons on; responsibility, bullying prevention, respect, good health, safety and other important issues. If your school is like other schools I appear at across the country, you’ll discover how The ROAR Show kindness assembly program will help you achieve and reinforce your schools' behavior curriculum. We, can also integrate programs you are already using like; Social Emotional Learning, PBIS, Character Counts, PBS, Safe & Civil Schools, and Leader in Me.

Teachers, often refer back to The ROAR Show assembly program and support materials, and frequently comment on seeing more positive behavior in the classrooms, hallways, during breaks, lunch and on the playground.
“The ROAR Show was engaging for students and had great examples and messages that related to their world. Your program tied in directly to our Leader in Me Program and the 7 habits. The ROAR  Show will impact my students, it provides additional tools when working/playing with others.”

Amy Henne, 5th grade

Smith Elementary, Plymouth, MI
“The ROAR Show is engaging and aligns perfectly with our PBIS practices. It was truly an engaging, age appropriate and valuable program that reinforces a wonderful climate and culture in our school.”

Robin Ryan, 3rd grade

Central Elementary, Lincoln, RI

The ROAR Show Helps You Achieve Measurable Results with Your Students by Customizing Your Kindness Assembly Program for Your School!

Don't Bully Be A Friend
Bullying Prevention & Positive Behavior Messages
The ROAR Show includes an easy to understand message with both: what bullying is and is not and how to prevent it. Topics such as positive behavior, self-esteem, leadership, character building and responsibility are also covered.
Special Support Materials Included With Each Show
You get promotional posters and The ROAR Show "Behavioral Support Package" with activity pages, worksheets, suggested discussion and writing topics to remind students of their positive behavior expectations are provided at no additional cost.
Programs Integrated with the ROAR Show
Your Schools  Behavior Matrix Integrated
The ROAR Show emphasizes positive behavior that fits perfectly with what is already being taught in your school. We are happy to customize the assembly program to compliment and reinforce your school's curriculum.

The ROAR Show gets Comments & Reviews!

  • "We loved The ROAR Show! Al the Respect Guy, covered so many areas we’ve been talking about with our students. They really enjoyed the show and we want to bring him back every year because of the joy and lessons he brings to help students stay in a positive, healthier and happier life."
    Maria Thomas, Counselor

    Pomaikai Elementary, Kahului, Maui, HI

  • “The ROAR Show was engaging and fun. Al the Respect Guy  had good group management skills. ROAR is easy for the students to remember and a child-friendly term.”
    Rebecca M., 3rd grade

    Maercker Intermediate, Westmont, IL

  • "The ROAR Show reinforced what our students have been learning all year. The assembly show was very educational and entertaining. It was presented in a fun way that held the students’ attention and interest."
    Caroline W., 5th Grade

    Winkler Elementary, Burlington, WI

  • “I love how informative and entertaining the ROAR Show was. We talk about being respectful every day. I loved when you talked about what a bully is/is not.”
    Susie Zarate, 3rd grade

    Smith Elementary, Plymouth, MI


The ROAR Show Numbers

The ROAR Show school respect assembly is continually being updated to meet the needs of today's students and their educational needs.


Administrators & teachers have enjoyed The ROAR Show for over 10 years!

Schools booked

Many students have enjoyed The ROAR Show year after year!
32 States

So far...

From Maine to California and Washington state to Florida, including Hawaii
39 Years

And counting...

Al "the Respect Guy" has been performing in schools for over 39 years!

Meet... Al The Respect Guy

Al "the Respect Guy"
Al was inducted into the Michigan Magicians Hall of Fame in May 2019 for his years of excellence, contributions and support to the magic community.
Al Ulman is a dynamic orator, storyteller and school assembly presenter. Mr. Ulman, nationally known as The Respect Guy, has a solid educational footing with his Educational Advisory Council (EAC); consisting of an elementary school principal, two elementary school teachers, a business owner, a district court judge and a student counselor; several EAC members have PhDs.

"EAC and I have created a systematic continuation of your ongoing educational efforts with your positive behavior initiatives in a civil, peaceful and nurturing environment where it’s safe to learn." said Mr. Ulman.

His integrity and work ethic span over 39 years as a full-time speaker, entertainer, magician and educator. "I take my responsibility very seriously and am passionate about helping children grow." said Mr. Ulman.

Magical Presentations, Inc. has been in business since 1980. They produce shows and provide speakers for trade shows, sales meeting and product demonstrations. They have also created educational assembly programs for elementary schools. Their current educational assembly program, The R.O.A.R. Show – Respect Others Act Responsibly, made its debut in 2009.

For almost four decades Mr. Ulman, known as Al "the Respect Guy", has presented assembly programs at more than 1,000 schools across the country.
  • 1979-1981: The Wonderful World of Light
  • 1982-1983: The Magic of Reading
  • 1984-1986: The Amazing World of Robotics
  • 2009 to present: The R.O.A.R. Show – Respect Others Act Responsibly

Book the Show that's Right for Your School

The ROAR Show pricing is set up on a per show school respect assembly presentation. We also offer back to back, block booking and multiple school booking discounts to help you save!


The cost of one, age appropriate presentation of The ROAR Show for either grades 1 & 2 or grades 3-5 is $925. The assemblies are customized to meet the needs of either audience group and your particular curriculum.  Call 808-874-2591 to find out when The ROAR Show will be in your area and to book a date.

One Show ONLY, get a 2nd show for only $272
*Above price is for continental United States. Please contact us for pricing in Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.


The cost of two presentations (one for 1 & 2 and the other for 3-5) of The ROAR Show with either both in the morning or both in the afternoon, at the same location is $1,197. The age appropriate assemblies are customized to meet the needs of both age groups and your particular curriculum. Call 808-874-2591 to find out when The ROAR Show will be in your area and to book a date.
A $1,850.00 Value, you SAVE $653.00
*Above price is for continental United States. Please contact us for pricing in Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
Your students' social and academic success is critical to their proper social emotional learning. By scheduling The ROAR Show in your curriculum, you'll see that this presentation is an excellent investment for your school.

Elementary school districts are inviting The ROAR Show to their schools as a district-wide event, with the goal of promoting positive behavior and engaging students in conversations about kindness, anti-bullying, and core values. Which compliments and reinforces your school's curriculum like; Project Kindness, Red Ribbon Week, Care to the Core, Kindness Counts, and Bully Prevention Month and others.

My 100% Personal Guarantee to You!

Students all across the country sit at the edge of their seats, listening attentively, watching, laughing and absorbing this powerful, positive message in this positive behavior program. Your children are going to love The ROAR Show, GUARANTEED!

I am so convinced your students will love The ROAR Show that you have nothing to lose! You should feel comfortable and confident when you book an assembly program that it will meet your needs and over deliver to your expectations.

If the majority of your students do not love The ROAR Show, I will give you 100% of your money back! No hidden clauses, no questions asked, no hassles; just a check cheerfully written back to you! Why do I offer such an unusual iron clad guarantee? Because in nearly 40 years NO ONE has ever asked for their money back!

Al "the Respect Guy" Ulman

The ROAR Show

Book The ROAR Show Today!

Contact The ROAR Show for more information about having this fun & exciting, educational assembly that helps with character building and positive self-esteem at your school.
contact Now!